Jungle Snafus ... and Remedies
Jungle Snafus ... and Remedies
By: Cresson H. Kearney, Major of the Infantry, United States Army, ret.
This is a new book recently published by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Here are some reviews:
"Throughout the military history of the American poeple, the qualities that have contributed most to winning battles have been the ability and the willingness of its combat leaders to innovate and solve unexpected problems with ingenuity and creativity. Jungles Sanfus ... and Remedies provides an amazing revelation of first hand stories and anecdotes that enable the reader to gain ideas and examples of how imaginative thinking by combat leaders can avoid disasters, save lives, and win battles. The book is a fun read and covers many areas unrelated to jungles. I strongly recommend that all leaders, especially those in infantry and Special Operations units, read this fascinating collection of combat wisdom."
John K. Singlaub
Major General U.S. Army (Ret.)
World-ranging fighter in defense of freedom
"This is the record of a large part of a lifetime devoted to detecting things that went wrong, often fatally, for the foot-slogging soldier in America's twentieth century wars, and inventing canny ways to set them right. This anecdotally rich work is essential for soldiers who would like a better chance if there is a next time, and interesting for those who merely enjoylearning new things."
Howard K. Smith
Outstanding war correspondent
and TV news commentator
"This book includes descriptions of much of the combat-proven equipment, ranging from lightweight breath-inflated boats and individual flotation devices to cool mosquito-protective uniforms, that again should be produced and issued to American soldiers. Teams from my Jungle Platoon needed such equipment when reconnoitering some 40 Japanese-held islands and destroying installations. Nor would all 11 Rangers of the team I commanded have been drowned off Omaha Beech had they had the breath-inflated bladders issued late in WWII to many thousands of our soldiers fighting Japanese invaders."
Geroge C. Ferguson
who was awarded 12 Purple
Hearts before being made the
Command Sergeant Major of CONRAC
This book is: "Dedicated to American infantrymen, who in our future wars will continue to pay the greatest costs."
420 Pages
Copyright 1997